My youngest (twins) had their 18th birthday this last weekend, a raucous affair complete with cake, a bowl of increasingly alcoholic punch (the legal drinking age here is 18) and many, many glowsticks. For the price of a barely drinkable bottle of wine, we procured a couple of dozen glowsticks about the size of a pencil and they provided hours of entertainment: personal decoration (as per the picture), sport (4 of them in a balloon tossd back and forth in the dark) and finally battle, in the back yard, at night, tossing them back and forth... Okay, maybe I don't feel THAT old!
WOOHOO!!!! 18 and still getting used to it :P
guess who :D
Yep that was a great party Mim! The glow sticks Bridget brought back are still glowing! (albeit weakly) don’t sweat the old thing, you don’t look or act it and those that might be likely to try to prove it would have been violently escorted from the property ;-)
If you put the glow sticks in the freezer, they last longer. Something to do with the chemical decomposition.
Anyway, it's fun to open the freezer at 3 in the morning and have this eerie glow emanating...
I've heard that, and tried it, but it didn't seem to do much good... maybe the chemicals were too far decomposed?
You should put a sticker in your freezer reading "Made in Chernobyl" :-P
Well I think it's all a flash in the pan.
... FGF
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