So it seems there's this virus going around town at the moment... and working in a school, I picked it up and it knocked me flat for a few days and even the computer was a little too much effort... The details are as nasty as the photo, but may I just say: cover your goddammed mouth when you cough (and share an office with me), I don't want to Share! Incidentally, the same person was responsible for probably the grossest thing that's ever happened to me - and that's saying something! - when I found a teaspoon-sized chunk of white, glistening goop stuck to my notice board and, having exclaimed loudly about it, I discovered that my co-worker had been using my computer (because hers was attached to a printer in another room and she didn't wasn't to walk that far) and had been grazing on a chicken sandwich when she suffered a coughing fit... "I thought I got all of it off, " she said. Dear gods! woman, there was an entire mouthful on the notice board! How much more did she have her mouth, that that chunk was relegated to small and unnoticeable?!
Okay, I'm still surly coz of the 'flu...
Queensland: Beautiful one day, plague-ridden the next...
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